Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bird of the Week: the Cape May Warbler

We had a great morning birding Thickson's Woods on Sunday. Lotsa warblers. More importantly-- lotsa warblers at eye-level. I think we ended up with 16 species, including spectacular looks at Canada and Wilson's warblers. As we were leaving, we noticed someone had put out an orange to attract orioles -- and it was working all too well. In addition to a hungry oriole, this little Cape May Warbler was checking things out and did eventually start to chow down on the orange. Cape May's were first identified in Cape May, New Jersey (of all places!) in 1811 and have been in decline since the 1970's -- at least partly because of deforestation and spruce budworm spraying. This bird was a featured "Bird of the Month" at the Smithsonian in 1996, so I'm proud to name the Cape May as my current bird of the week! You can click on the pics for a larger view:

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